
React component

The ONLYOFFICE DocSpace React component integrates ONLYOFFICE DocSpace into React projects.

To work with this component, you need to have ONLYOFFICE DocSpace. If you are new to DocSpace, create an account.


This procedure requires Node.js (and npm).

Creating the demo React application with ONLYOFFICE DocSpace

This procedure creates a basic React application and installs an ONLYOFFICE DocSpace in it.

  1. Create a new React project named docspace-react-demo using the Create React App package:

    npx create-react-app docspace-react-demo
  2. Go to the newly created directory:

    cd docspace-react-demo
  3. Install ONLYOFFICE DocSpace React component from npm and save it to the package.json file with --save:

    npm install --save @onlyoffice/docspace-react
  4. Open the ./src/App.js file in the docspace-react-demo project and replace its contents with the following code:

    import {DocSpace} from "@onlyoffice/docspace-react"
    import React, {useRef} from "react"

    function onAppReady(e) {
    console.log("ONLYOFFICE DocSpace App is ready!")

    function onAppError(e) {

    function onLoadComponentError(errorCode, errorDescription) {

    export default function App() {
    return (
    frameId: "onlyoffice-docspace",
    mode: "manager",
    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
    events: {
    onAppReady: "onAppReady",
    onAppError: "onAppError",

    Replace the following line with your own data:

    • http://example-onlyoffice.com/ - replace with the URL of your server.

    This JavaScript file will create the App component containing the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace configured with basic features.

  5. Test the application using the Node.js development server:

    • To start the development server, navigate to the docspace-react-demo directory and run:

      npm run start
    • To stop the development server, select on the command line or command prompt and press Ctrl+C.

Deploying the demo React application

The easiest way to deploy the application to a production environment is to install serve and create a static server:

  1. Install the serve package globally:

    npm install -g serve
  2. Serve your static site on the 3000 port:

    serve -s build

    Another port can be adjusted using the -l or --listen flags:

    serve -s build -l 4000
  3. To serve the project folder, go to it and run the serve command:

    cd docspace-react-demo

Now you can deploy the application to the created server:

  1. Navigate to the docspace-react-demo directory and run:

    npm run build

    The build directory will be created with a production build of your app.

  2. Copy the contents of the docspace-react-demo/build directory to the root directory of the web server (to the docspace-react-demo folder).

The application will be deployed on the web server (http://localhost:3000 by default).

ONLYOFFICE DocSpace React component API


url*stringnullAddress of ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.
config*objectnullGeneric configuration object for opening a file with a token.
emailstringnullThe user email to login in DocSpace.
onRequestPasswordHash(email: string) => stringnullThe function called when the email parameter is passed, returning the passwordHash for login in DocSpace.
onUnsuccessLogin() => voidnullThe function called when DocSpace account login failed.
onLoadComponentError(errorCode: number, errorDescription: string) => voidnullThe function called when an error occurs while loading a component.

* - required field

Installing Storybook

Install Storybook to develop UI components in isolation:

  1. Change the address of the DocSpace in the .env file:

    "DOCSPACE_URL": "https://example-onlyoffice.com/"

    where http://example-onlyoffice.com/ is the URL to the server with ONLYOFFICE DocSpace installed.

  2. Build Storybook with the following command:

    npm run build-storybook
  3. Start Storybook:

    npm run storybook

Developing ONLYOFFICE DocSpace React component

  1. Clone project from the GitHub repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/docspace-react
  2. Install the project dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Test the component:

    npm run test
  4. Build the project:

    npm run rollup
  5. Create the package:

    npm pack

Feedback and support

In case you have any issues, questions, or suggestions for the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace React component, please refer to the Issues section.